ICM Registry, which operates the .XXX, .Porn and .Adult TLDs, has announced launch dates for its new .Sex TLD Similar to .XXX, .Porn and .Adult, .Sex will create a clearly marked place where adult entertainment can be both accessed and/or restricted. Keywords porn, adult, sex and xxx are searched over 300 Million times per month online, so the new .SEX new gTLD could potentially reach a massive audience.
Key Launch Phases:
1) TMCH Sunrise, September 1 ~ October 1, 2015
This is for trademarks and brands who have registered their marks with the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH). If you are a trademark or brand owner, make sure you register with the TMCH in time to participate in this phase.
2) Sunrise B, Domain Matching, October 5 ~ October 30, 2015
This is for anyone that either a) participated in the .XXX Sunrise B Program in 2011 or b) has a registered an .XXX domain name as of October 1, 2015. If you have either qualifications, you have a priority opportunity to register the respective matching domain names in .SEX.
3) General Availability, November 4, 2015
This is open to anyone interested in purchasing a .SEX domain name. No pre-eligibiltiy requirements or prior registrations necessary.